Due to Arts celebrates its Annual Talent Festival 2022
The celebration of Due to Arts, Inc. (a Non-Profit Organization) Annual Talent Festival 2022 edition is taking place this December 11, 2022. In association with Taller en Acción Arts Academy, it will give the opportunity to over 150 children to showcase their Performing Arts talents. The show will showcase 4 different categories consisting of Theater Plays, Live Singing, Musical Instrumental performances, and classical dancing. Participants will be arriving from different parts of Miami-Dade County including local schools and Art Academies. The participants will exhibit their talents and participate in a major cultural event. The festival will have a major audience present and a professional crew working behind the scenes. Participants will also receive some training and mentoring from known industry leaders. Recognitions will also be given to all those who participate.
With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.
Due to Arts, Inc. also known as Taller en Acción Arts Academy is a nonprofit
organization with 501 C (3) status. The organizations mission is to help children of all ages with minimum resources to experience the performing arts in all levels, including those who have disabilities and are low income. Our program teaches theater, acting, modeling techniques, instrumental classes and dance choreography to all kids and adults. We also involve our students in community projects and the importance of helping others.
Age Appropriateness: All
Additional Information
Discover more at www.duetorarts.org or www.tallerenaccion.com
Media inquiries, and coverage requests, please contact:
Oscar Belloro | Marketing Manager
Social Media
Instagram Handles: @duetoartsorg @tallerenacciooficial