Crumb’s Cosmos III is the final concert in Kaleidoscope MusArt’s concert triptych honoring George Crumb’s 90th birthday. The program features the winning compositions of KMA's Call for Scores. While the first two concerts in the series presented one of Crumb’s most influential and monumental works, the MAKROKOSMOS cycle, the final concert showcases his global influence on the younger generations of composers through seven chamber music works selected via our call for scores.
Works by Taylor Brook (U.S.A), Jean-Pascal Chaigne (France), Alice Hunter (U.K.), Marco Longo (Italy), Tianyi Wang (China), Frej Wedlund (Sweeden), and Fabian Zeidler (Germany.
Performers: Rachel Joy Weiss (soprano) | Jennifer Grim and Vanessa Fourla (flute) | Frank Capoferri (saxophone) | Colin Williams, Kosuke Matsuda, and Noel Holloway (percussion) | Inesa Gegprifti, Jacob Mason, Nicholaus Poelwijk, and Yianni Iliadis (piano)
Age Appropriateness: Children above 5 years old are welcome - supervised by an adult.
Youth under 18: Free Admission
Two short excerpts from Crumb's Cosmos I and II: