The concert will feature the newly formed TLH Ensemble performing a unique program of art music written in the last one hundred years.
TLH Ensemble reflects Miami’s diverse populous and their experiences by sourcing multicultural local and global art music and talent.
For this occasion, Juan Trigos, the ensemble’s artistic director and conductor has carefully selected one repertoire work by Igor Stravinsky, as well as a recent work by Mexican-American composer Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon, and two premieres by Miami-based composers Federico Bonacossa and Catalina von Wrangell.
We invite audiences everywhere to contemplate the evolution of art music and broaden their understanding of its traditions and its potential trajectories. With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.
Age Appropriateness 14 and older
Video(s) of Artist
#TLHInauguralConcert #MiamiDadeArts