Written by Jessica Finol and Kerren Dieuveille
Written by Jessica Finol and Kerren Dieuveille
Written by Jessica Finol
Written by Soumia Hammi
"I believe I'm still studying," Martha Albrecht said to me one rainy afternoon in November. "Because when you're a teacher, you are always studying because you are always learning from your students."
Written by Victoria Azurdia
Throughout the winter season, Culture Shock Miami has had the opportunity to interview a diverse body of authors and discuss their work and personal lives. In the last Miami Book Fair discussion, I had the pleasure of interviewing Gavriel Savit, to discuss his National Book Award Finalist “The Way Back.”
Written by Soumia Hammi
Cada una de nosotras es una desierta
Solitaria y vasta
Nos estiramos por siempre
Each of us a desert
Solitary and vast
We stretch forever
-Each of Us a Desert